Local Business Directory Canada

Real Estate Agent | Local Business Directory Canada

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Coady's Realty and Appraisal Ltd

Coady's Realty and Appraisal Ltd

Coadys Realty & Appraisal Ltd. Your best source for Real Estate in Cape BretonServing Western Cape Breton since 1982, Coady's…


Real Estate Agent

Daryl Carry Real Estate

Daryl Carry Real Estate

Royal LePage Prime Realtor specializing in the Interlake and Winnipeg region.

Winnipeg Beach

Real Estate Agent

Leanne Misfeldt - Royal LePage Kelowna/West Kelowna

Leanne Misfeldt - Royal LePage Kelowna/West Kelowna

What matters to me is my clients! If you are looking to buy or sell your home in the beautiful Okanangan, I can help!

West Kelowna

Real Estate Agent

Leslie Roesch - Parkland Real Estate Professional

Leslie Roesch - Parkland Real Estate Professional

Anyone can LIST your home. Call ME if you would like to SELL it! Serving Clear Lake, Onanole, Erickson, Ditch Lake, Sandy Lake,…


Real Estate Agent

Darcy Powlik Remax Real Estate

Darcy Powlik Remax Real Estate

Your Real Estate Professional in Leduc, Wetaskiwin and Brazeau Counties, specializing in residential, farm, acreage and commercial…


Real Estate Agent

Micheline Tessier  Courtier immobilier  Proprio Direct

Micheline Tessier Courtier immobilier Proprio Direct

L’avantage Proprio Direct Le meilleur des deux mondes Depuis plus de 25 ans, Proprio Direct propose aux Québécois un service…


Real Estate Agent

Myles Harnum Realtor

Myles Harnum Realtor

Offering assistance for all of your Real Estate needs on the Avalon Peninsula and throughout Newfoundland. Helping You is What…

St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Real Estate Agent

Chris & Jim McLaren McIntee Sauble Beach Real Estate Sales Associates

Chris & Jim McLaren McIntee Sauble Beach Real Estate Sales Associates

The relationship between a home buyer or seller and their agent is based on trust, shared goals and understanding.

South Bruce Peninsula

Real Estate Agent

Becky Knight - Broker with Wilfred Mcintee & Co. Ltd

Becky Knight - Broker with Wilfred Mcintee & Co. Ltd

Becky Knight is a licensed broker with the Sauble Beach franchise of Wilfred McIntee & Co. Whether it's buying or selling a home,…

South Bruce Peninsula

Real Estate Agent

RE/MAX Performance - Saint Rémi

RE/MAX Performance - Saint Rémi

Re/Max Performance Saint-Rémi détient la plus grande part du marché immobilier de la région de Saint-Rémi. Nos courtiers…


Real Estate Agent

Marc-André Rouleau Remax

Marc-André Rouleau Remax

En immobilier depuis 1997, Marc-André Rouleau est votre meilleur allié pour que la vente de votre propriété soit un succès…


Real Estate Agent

Homes for Sale Rainy River District

Homes for Sale Rainy River District

I will support you with buying or selling properties in the Rainy River District. Marketing, negotiating, screening potential…

Fort Frances

Real Estate Agent


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