Healing with Lorna - (250) 744-1093

Lorna Jacobs RN, Body Mind Spirit Acupressure Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, Medical Qi Gong Therapist 1 (250)-744-1093.


I worked as a Registered Nurse from 1972 to
2008. I have practicing Acupressure Therapy
for ten years since 2006 and Foot Reflexology for eight years since 2008. In addition to my private practice, I have been teaching Medical Qi Gong Exercises every Wednesday Morning at the local Recreation Centre.

I love what I do. I like working with people and helping them with their health challenges. It is always exciting to see people move back to a healthier and happier state of being

Acupressure, Reflexology and Qi Gong relieve stress, pain and anxiety by releasing blocked energy (Qi). This is much like removing debris from a stream that is stopping the free flow of water. When we have energy blockage in our body, it causes pain, tension and anxiety and stress.

Acupressure is a 5000 year old Oriental system of healing that uses finger pressure on specific acupoints to balance body, mind & spirit. It allows the client to experience a deep state of relaxation where they can explore thoughts and feelings that may arise. Generally the client will feel relaxed and energized after the session. It is known to be a powerful aid to the body's natural healing system.

Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principal that there are reflexes (trigger points) and pathways on the feet, hands and ears that correspond with every organ and organ system of the body. By applying finger pressure on these reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation, and promotes natural function of all the body systems. Reflexology is known to help alleviate symptoms such as sleep disturbances, headaches and sciatica.

Medical Qi Gong Exercises focus on a combination of breathing, posture and exercise that help to correct physical and energetic imbalances. This strengthens and regulates internal organs, nervous system and immune system, relieves pain, regulates hormones and strengthens and releases deep seated emotions.

Please Call me with any questions

Tags: Healthcare Administrator,Alternative & Holistic Health Service

Address & Contact

83-2911 Sooke Lake Rd
(250) 744-1093
Medical & Health

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