Local Business Directory Canada

Medical & Health | Local Business Directory Canada

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Discover and connect with leading businesses throughout Canada using our comprehensive Local Business Directory. From bustling urban centers in Ontario to the vibrant communities of British Columbia and the expansive territories of the North, our directory covers every province and sub-national administrative division. Whether you're looking for a local artisan, a corporate service provider, or a cozy diner, our easy-to-navigate platform ensures you find exactly what you need, no matter where you are in Canada. Start exploring today to support local businesses and experience the best of Canadian commerce!

Lakeshore Oasis

Lakeshore Oasis

A commercial lifestyle park in Essex County promoting healthy living and focusing on valuable professional services.

Belle River

Medical & Health

Watrous Primary Health Centre

Watrous Primary Health Centre

Watrous Primary Health Centre is located in Watrous, Saskatchewan at the Watrous Health Complex.


Medical & Health

Clinique d'orthopédagogie Karell Groleau

Clinique d'orthopédagogie Karell Groleau

Services permettant aux enfants aux prises avec des difficultés d’apprentissage ou des troubles d’apprentissage de rattraper…


Medical & Health

Polyclinique Chaudière

Polyclinique Chaudière

La Polyclinique de la Chaudière est un regroupement d’entreprises du domaine de la santé située au coeur de la Beauce à…


Medical & Health

Chaumière Fleur Soleil

Chaumière Fleur Soleil

Centre d'enseignements, de soins holistiques et de ressourcement pour les co-créateurs d'un monde meilleur.Vos hôtes Jacques…


Medical & Health

Clef des Champs

Clef des Champs

FRAIS-BIO-PUISSANT Travaillant pour votre santé depuis 1978 / ORGANIC-FRESH-POTENT Helping you to stay healthy, a Canadian company…


Medical & Health

Trent Hills Compassion

Trent Hills Compassion

Trent Hills Compassion is an outlet for individuals seeking an alternative to conventional medicine. Distributor of Mill Spec.…


Medical & Health

SFL 21 Day Sugar Detox

SFL 21 Day Sugar Detox

Welcome to the 21 Day Sugar Detox! A step by step process towards a healthier you!Welcome to the 21 Day Sugar Detox!

Sydney River

Medical & Health

Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association

Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association

The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association (NLMA) is the voice of organized medicine in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Medical & Health

Waterloo St. Jacob's Urgent Care

Waterloo St. Jacob's Urgent Care

Family Practice & Walk-InWSJUC is currently accepting new patients for our family practice. Walk-In appointments are carried…


Medical & Health

Shane's IDA Pharmacy

Shane's IDA Pharmacy

Shane's IDA Pharmacy is a full service pharmacy serving the Town of Smoky Lake and surrounding areas. Prescriptions, injections,…

Smoky Lake

Medical & Health

Smoky Lake Pharmacy and Integrated Healthcare

Smoky Lake Pharmacy and Integrated Healthcare

We are a NEW store located in Smoky Lake, AB specializing in Home Healthcare Supplies like MOBILITY aids, BATHROOM SAFETY, COMPRESSION,…

Smoky Lake

Medical & Health


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