DOWN EAST - 9024688180

Down East products are made without the use of harmful chemicals and will exceed your cleaning expectations.

Our products can be found at the following retailers in Atlantic Canada
Atlantic Superstore (Locations with Health Food Sections) - Various locations in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland
Sobeys (Locations with Health Food Sections) - Various locations in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland
A.C.A.P. Cape Breton - Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Alberton Pharmacy -Alberton,PEI
Annapolis Natural Foods - Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
Bouctouhe CO-OP - Bouctouche, New Brunswick
Buckwheat Flats Natural Foods- Nowlesville, New Brunswick
Crackling Goose Market- Sackville,New Brunswick
Campobello Valufoods- Welshpool, New Brunswick
Cheticamp CO-OP - Cheticamp, Nova Scotia
Corn Crib Natural Foods- Moncton, New Brunswick
Cross Roads CO-OP Parrsboro, ova Scotia
Dieppe CO-OP- Dieppe, New Brunswick
DTC Natural Store- Barrington Passage, Nova Scotia
Ellora Natural & Organic Bulk Foods - La Have, Nova Scotia
Fredericton CO-OP- Fredericton, New Brunswick
Health Basket - Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Home Grown Organic Foods - Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lunenburg Save Easy - Lunenburg, Nova Scotia **COMING SOON**
Maria's Health Food Store - Coldbrook, Nova Scotia
Mere Enough Health Foods- New Minas, Nova Scotia
Mike's Foodland- Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia
Moncton CO-OP, Moncton
Morell Consumers CO-OP, Morell, PEI
Mosaic Market - Windsor, New Brunswick
Muquodobit Valley CO-OP Country Store- Middle Musquodobit, Nova Scotia
Nature's Cove General Store- Halifax, Nova Scotia
P'lovers- Halifax, Nova Scotia
Pete's Frootique- Halifax, Nova Scotia
Pictou County CO-OP- Pictou , Nova Scotia
Planet Organic - Halifax, Nova Scotia
Port Hood CO-OP, Port Hood, Nova Scotia
Pugwash CO-OP- Pugwash, Nova Scotia
Real Food Connections- Fredericton, New Brunswick **NEW**
Rising Sun Natural Foods- Berwick, Nova Scotia
Sacville CO-OP- Sackville, New Brunswick
Sequoia Whole Foods & Natural Products- Moncton, New Brunswick
South Shore Bulk & Natural Foods- Bridgewater, NS
Speerville Flour Milling CO-OP Ltd - Speerville, New Brunswick
Sunflower Natural Health- Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Sydney CO-OP- Sydney, Nova Scotia
True Foods Organics - Fredericton, New Brunswick
Turning Point Natural Foods- Montegue,PEI
Valley Natural Foods- Green Wood, Nova Scotia
Victoria Farmers CO-OP Ltd - Baddeck, Nova Scotia
Villiage Grocery Foodland - St. Peters, Nova Scotia
Wellington CO-OP - Wellington, PEI

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44 Wright Ave

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