Charisma Rock n Leather
Charisma ~ Subculture Outlet
"Ye olde mom and pop rock t-shirt (and otherthings) shoppe."
sub·cul·ture [v. suhb-kuhl-cher; n. suhb-kuhl-cher]
verb, -tured, -tur·ing, noun, verb used with object
3. Sociology.
a. the cultural values and behavioral patterns distinctive of a particular group in a society.
b. a group having social, economic, ethnic, or other traits distinctive enough to distinguish it from others within the same culture or society.
out·let [out-let, -lit]
1. an opening or passage by which anything is let out; vent; exit.
3. a means of expression or satisfaction: an outlet for one's artistic impulses.
4. a market for goods.
5. a store, merchant, or agency selling the goods of a particular wholesaler or manufacturer.
Tags: Shopping/Retail