Local Business Directory Canada

Sports Event | Local Business Directory Canada

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Challenge cycliste des bleuets Desjardins

Challenge cycliste des bleuets Desjardins

Le Challenge cycliste des Bleuets représente la plus longue cyclosportive fédérée FQSC d'un jour au Québec. Êtes-vous prêt…


Sports event

Boxe Mania Promotions

Boxe Mania Promotions

Regroupement qui assure la gérance d’athlètes et la promotion d’événements liés aux sports de combat - galas de boxe,…


Sports event

Squamish Days 10k and Flashback Mile

Squamish Days 10k and Flashback Mile

The Squamish Days 10K Run and Flashback Mile are a part of the Squamish Days Loggers Sports Festival, held annually over the…


Sports event

Sylvan Lake Pond Hockey Tournament

Sylvan Lake Pond Hockey Tournament

This is the OFFICIAL page for the Sylvan Lake Pond Hockey Tournament! Experience the thrill of intense hockey, the way it was…

Sylvan Lake

Sports event

Le cheer, une passion

Le cheer, une passion

Dans ma page je me fait pas de pige mis de vidéo de moi mais je vous montre des vidéo de cheerleading je fait aussi des montage…


Sports event

EPIC Dartmouth Triathlon

EPIC Dartmouth Triathlon

Subaru EPIC Dartmouth is a Long-distance Triathlon (and Duathlon) with Half and Full IRON distance options. Part of the FullOn…


Sports event

Red Indian Lake Fish Derby

Red Indian Lake Fish Derby

The Town of Millertown is hosting the 2nd Annual Red Indian Lake Fish Derby from June 12 to 14, 2015. Come and get hooked with…


Sports event

Raid Alouette du lac Walker

Raid Alouette du lac Walker

9e édition, 30 août 2014 Duathlon, en équipe : Vélo de montagne & Cross-country Surveillez les infos à http://www.triathlondeportcartier.com/racn/Compétition…


Sports event

Tour of Alberta - Stage One Finish: Camrose

Tour of Alberta - Stage One Finish: Camrose

The Tour of Alberta is an international event and will be televised live to over 100 countries and viewed by over 35 million…


Sports event

Les Courses Gourmandes

Les Courses Gourmandes

Circuit de courses à pied thématiques en Montérégie" LE PLUS GRAND CIRCUIT DE COURSES À PIED THÉMATIQUES AU QUÉBEC ! "…


Sports event

Ottawa Marathon

Ottawa Marathon

Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend, welcomes participants in 6 races: Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon & ½ marathon, 10K, 5K, Scotiabank…


Sports event

Wetaskiwin CoD Championship

Wetaskiwin CoD Championship

Gaming tournaments for Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Hosted by: Night Hawk Gaming


Sports event


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