Local Business Directory Canada

Charity Organization | Local Business Directory Canada

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Buchans Lions Club

Buchans Lions Club

Serving the people of Buchans - Whenever a Lions club gets together, problems get smaller. And communities get better. That's…


Charity Organization

Salvation Army BirchyBay

Salvation Army BirchyBay

This is about our amazing Church in BirchyBay NL. If you do not have a home base church you are welcome to join us..We have one…

Birchy Bay

Charity Organization

Wilkie & District Health Foundation

Wilkie & District Health Foundation

The Wilkie & District Health Foundation's mission is to provide an avenue for contributions directed toward health related initiatives…


Charity Organization

Peninsula Community Foundation - White Rock / South Surrey

Peninsula Community Foundation - White Rock / South Surrey

The WRSS Foundation was established in 1998 by an enthusiastic group of community members. These people came together with one…


Charity Organization

Salvation Army Trenton Thrift Store

Salvation Army Trenton Thrift Store

Your donations stay local to Quinte West area to support meal and clothing programsWe are conveniently located at 34 Front Street,…


Charity Organization

The Salvation Army Tillsonburg Community Church

The Salvation Army Tillsonburg Community Church

The Salvation Army Tillsonburg Community Church is a loving family of believers who enjoy Christian worship and sharing in fellowship,…


Charity Organization

John Howard Society of Thunder Bay & District

John Howard Society of Thunder Bay & District

Fostering genuinely safer communities in Thunder Bay & District by supporting people who are at risk or involved in the criminal…

Thunder Bay

Charity Organization

Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County

Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County

Dedicated to improving the quality of life for those with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia and their network of caregivers.Orillia…


Charity Organization

Habitat for Humanity Saskatoon

Habitat for Humanity Saskatoon

Habitat Saskatoon sees a community where everyone has a safe and decent place to live. To achieve this we mobilize volunteers…


Charity Organization

CCMF Sarnia

CCMF Sarnia

CCMF is a local, parent driven community group striving to meet the needs of the medically fragile and their families.


Charity Organization

Opération Enfant Soleil (Officiel)

Opération Enfant Soleil (Officiel)

Les fonds amassés par Opération Enfant Soleil servent à acquérir de l’équipement de pointe afin de mieux soigner les enfants…


Charity Organization


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