The WRSS Foundation was established in 1998 by an enthusiastic group of community members. These people came together with one goal: to help organizations make an ongoing difference in their community.
OUR SECRET The White Rock South Surrey community is a very special place. Beyond the stunning natural beauty of our beaches and forests, this is a caring community that exists quite apart from our big city neighbours. It's a place we are proud to call "home". The Peninsula Community Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people in the Semiahmoo Peninsula.
1. We are a local organization with deep roots in the community.
2. Our volunteers have broad expertise regarding community issues and needs.
3. We provide highly personalized service tailored to each individual's charitable and financial interest.
4. Our funds help people invest in the causes they care about most.
5. We accept a wide variety of assets, and can facilitate most forms of giving.
6. We partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving.
7. We offer maximum tax advantage for most gifts under federal law.
8. We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants.
9. We build endowment funds that benefit the community forever and help create personal legacies.
10. We are a community leader, fostering collaboration on issues of broad interest to create a positive change.