Wolfstone Media - 4035966088

Filming and Editing Services.
Great customer service.
Over 5 years experience.
Films events.

Hi there!
My name is Connor Heintz.
Do you have a bunch of family movies/film you would like to edit and put on a DVD and send to Grandma and Grandpa this year but dont have the time or know how?
I am the guy for you!
I have over 5 years experience filming and editing movies. I am an exceptional editor with enough skill and hardware to make your home movies into a very cool and good looking film for the whole family to enjoy!
\/Services I offer\/
Editing pre-recorded footage
Filming and editing or just editing a event (minus weddings)
Filming and giving client footage if editing is not required/requested

They way it works is you either give me footage and I edit it and give you finished product on Flash drive and/or DVD if requested.

If you would like me to film and edit it would work the same as above.

If you would like to me to just film I would give you raw footage on a USB Flash drive at end of event.

I can drive to location and if needed do light editing on location. I work at a $15/hour rate. I do require a small charge of $10 for supplies if required i.e. USB Drive / DVD

You can call my cell at 403 596 6088
or email me at wolfstonemedia@gmail.com

Tags: Event Videographer,Media

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Event Videographer

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