Williamstown Fair - 613-931-3110

The Williamstown Fair is Recognized as Canada's Oldest Fair, Taking Great Pride in its Agricultural Roots

For more than two centuries, the Williamstown Fair has been the gathering place for thousands of area residents of our rural community, as well as many visitors from afar. Majestic pine trees, manicured lawns and beautiful well maintained heritage style buildings provide the ideal setting for "Canada's Oldest Annual Fair".

The St. Lawrence Valley Agricultural Society takes great pride in presenting a Fair which is well recognized as a "Heritage Fair with a family friendly atmosphere" with exhibits, programs, competitions and entertainment representing the rural agricultural way of life.

While much has changed over the years with families becoming busier, the one thing that has not changed is the commitment of the rural community to assist the Board of Directors of the Society to ensure the continuation of this historic Fair and annual gathering of families and friends. There are concessions, dinners in the meeting place on Saturday & Sunday and a Free Corn Roast, 7:00 PM on Saturday.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with a director regarding our fair, please e-mail us.

The Fair for 2013 will occur on August 9th, 10th and 11th
Gates open at 7 am and close at 6 pm on Sunday
Daily passes are available for 10 dollars/person or save 10 dollars and buy a weekend pass for 20 dollars

Address & Contact

19629 John Street
South Glengarry
Community organization

Map & Directions

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