Hi everyone! My name is Chelsey Sharp and live in Stratton Ontario. I have always been one to take pictures no matter the subject and always wanted to have a camera of my own when I was little and my mom eventually got me one for christmas one year. When a photography course came to my High School (brand new course) I jumped on the train and enrolled myself. I had to take it, there were no if's and's or but's. I learned a lot in that course and couldn't wait to know what the next assignment was so I could get started. A couple years down the road we found out I was expecting. My camera totally sucked now, as it was a beat up, old point and shoot. My husband suprised me with a new one for my birthday and I couldn't wait to take pictures of my new little one. I have had a PASSION for photography since, and would absolutely love to make this a full time job, whatever the session may be.
xoxo, Chelsey