RCCG Trinity Chapel Port Coquitlam BC Canada - 604-474-3131 604-374-1004

The Redeemed Christian Church of God Trinity Chapel is a caring, community-based and Christ-centered church. We are a people passionate for God and souls.

At RCCG Trinity Chapel, we value relationships and would like the opportunity to develop and strengthen our relationship with you. A relationship, which we believe will draw you closer to the Lord and bring you into fulfillment of His purpose for your life.

We hope and pray that you will have a warm and spirit-filled experience as you join us for a great time of worship, digging deep into the word of God, Holy Ghost services and other activities and events.

If you have a prayer request, please visit our website http://www.rccgtrinitychapel.com to make an online prayer request. We trust God, at all times and in all situations, to help, heal, deliver and save you.

You may also want to visit http://www.rccgna.org/ for more information about The Redeemed Christian Church of God.

You are welcome to our various church services and activities. It's always a great time of praise, fellowship and the Word.

May the Grace and peace of the Lord be multiplied unto you in Jesus name.

Steve Obetoh
Parish Pastor

Address & Contact

15-2957 Oxford Street
Port Coquitlam
604-474-3131 604-374-1004
Church/religious organization

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