Radicle Routes - 4038880768

Regenerative agriculture, permaculture and community resiliency.

Providing lo-tech solutions and designs for resiliency of self including food production, rainwater harvesting, permaculture education, water management, energy management, holistic land management, farming and strengthening communities for the benefit of families, individuals and local business.

We specialize in broad acre application of permaculture techniques such as key-lining, overland water management, bio-diversity and riparian design/repair.

Why Radicle instead of radical? Well the name is meant to imply both. However, for the sake of a definition, a radicle is the first part of a seedling (a growing plant embryo) to emerge from the seed during the process of germination. The radicle is the embryonic root of the plant, and grows downward in the soil (the shoot emerges from the plumule). So this symbolizes the beginning of the transformation from seed to seedling. Which, if the conditions are right, progresses until it bears seeds itself. How can we assure the conditions are right? We can use our imaginations, resources, folk lore, traditions and simple observations to mimick the conditions in nature and give this seed its best shot at fullfilling its destiny. By applying permaculture principles, we are affecting this process in ways that some may find a little 'radical'. But the reality is, life's diversity has done this forever and will continue to do so in one form or another as long as it can adapt to the circumstances it finds itself in.

The use of Routes is a little more obvious. Roots search for water and nutrients contained within the medium that the plant is growing in. They will take any path they can to acquire the building blocks necessary to sustain the plant's life and guarantee the survival of its species. There is no one route to achieve this, and life will take radical routes to ensure its survival. Its time for humanity to follow this example. We have been living off stored cashes of energy without stewardship of these resources. We design products, buildings, cities and industries that depend on a finite energy sources instead of using the sun's unlimited source to create a surplus of stored energy.... just like plants do. At this point in the game.. it will require radical routes to change our culture to look at energy differently.

At Radicle Routes we believe that our food, our families, our communities and our livelihoods are all closely connected to the earth. By stewarding the earth and decreasing our impact, we allow our lives to gain momentum and increase prosperity.
We offer consulting, design and construction for your space on this earth with the intent of increasing your abundance and creating perpetual prosperity. Utilizing techniques such as carbon farming, overland water harvesting, low input/high output landscapes and gardens, and holistic property management we can add value to your enterprise and decrease the overhead costs of maintaining a garden or farm.

Tags: Agricultural Service,Environmental Consultant,Construction Service & Supply

Address & Contact

402049 288st W
Turner Valley
Local Business

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