Serving the Information Needs of Northern Saskatchewan.
Because the north is unique in lifestyle, geography and culture, it is important to express togetherness through a library organization directed by northerners which
promotes cultural awareness and education through a stong united voice.
Services include access to in-province library collections, board development, consultation, coordinating interlibrary loans, library staff development/training, library training bursary, newsletters (Word'sWorth), on-line access to magazine databases and e-books, assistance to member librarians, on site training and work bees.
The Pahkisimon Nuye?áh Library System was created in 1990 under the Ministry of Education of the Conservative government then in power. With the education connection, it was easier to implement the suggestions that the System should include all Northern Saskatchewan schools, post-secondary institutions, and public libraries. This reflects a basic philosophy of the North that regards all people and most institutions as part of the education system. Northern people are truly lifelong learners with parents and children often attending school at the same time. 87% of the population in our region are aboriginal. 27% of our population is Métis. 58% of the population lives on reserves. There are 12 First Nations, 37 municipalities and 3 provincial school divisions. The majority of aboriginal people in Northern Saskatchewan speak Cree, Dene or Michif. The services and programs of PNLS are available to both band and provincial communities on an equal basis.