A great place to shop for good quality used items and clothing. The Salvation Army Oshawa Thrift Store supports the local community and impact lives lives.
The Family Thrift Store is providing a meaningful service to those who are on a lower income or social assistance by selling clothing and furniture at discount prices. Items are often provided at no cost to those in need through a voucher system.
The Thrift Store has a multi-faceted ministry. We provide low cost goods to those who have limited financial resources. We provide goods free to those in difficult circumstances ie; fire victims, single moms moving to avoid abuse etc. We are often the front line with members of the community who need help. With the Family Services office we are able to help many in our community through our Voucher Program. This is not just a store, but an extension of the Family Services.
A great place to shop for good quality used items and clothing. The Salvation Army Oshawa Thrift Store supports the local community and impact lives lives.
Tags: Discount Store