Miller Realty Group, an independent Real Estate company, was developed by Linda Miller and her daughter Jada in 2006. They are now 4 agents strong,
Miller Realty Group, an independent Real Estate company, was developed by Linda Miller and her daughter Jada in 2006. Linda, originally from Kapuskasing, Ontario, moved to the area in 1977 with her husband John and young family, and opened a jean store in the, newly built, Temiskaming Square Mall. Her love for the north and entrepreneurial spirit allowed her to raise her family and pursue her passion for business. In 1993, she began selling real estate and when Jada joined her in 2005, the idea to develop their own brand, combining their strengths in business, became a reality.
Miller Realty Group is focused on principles of professional excellence, high ethical standards, hard work and most importantly, confidentiality due to the nature of conducting business in a small community. They are now 5 agents strong (Linda Miller, Jada Miller, Stephanie Elliott, and Shelly Zubyck) and have an amazing support team.