Lethbridge Association for Community Living & PLAN-Lethbridge - 403-327-2911

LACL is a family based not-for-profit association whose members share a dream of a meaningful inclusive life in the community for their family member.

More than 50 years ago families had to plow hard ground to find ways for the sons and daughters to find belonging in community, in schools and even within families. These pioneering families found little pieces of success among many struggles. They connected to other families and found that sharing their pathways to success made it easier for others to follow. Their vision created innovative community based supports and services that did very well what they were created to do. But they were only stepping stones to what real community engagement truly is.

Families knew they needed a collection point for the wisdom and experience they gained so that it could be easily shared and others could carry on their good work. They created the Lethbridge Association for Community Living. This organization was founded on the values that every person has an important contribution to make to community and that that contribution can only be made on an inclusive pathway and with the knowledge that families are obviously the most invested in good outcomes so are the best to lead and guide the way.

We have always seen and embraced the whole person, the whole family and the whole community. We do this by resisting categorization based on disability or assessment and segregated participation over a lifetime. It is well documented that the meaningful engagement of diverse populations enhance the wellbeing of society and in turn the well being of all. Lethbridge Association for Community Living holds this responsibility to our community in highest regard.

The families of Lethbridge Association for Community Living hired staff to have an unwavering commitment to family leadership and to uphold their deep conviction that no disability precludes full citizenship.

Our work and structure leads us to all corners of the community without limitations or conflicts of interest. We work in partnership with all stakeholders because finding belonging cannot be achieved by engulfing people in services. We work to make fundamental changes in the lives of citizens with developmental disabilities. I invite your department to meet with me and some of our board members to give you a clear understanding of our work so we can better work together in creating good lives for people with disabilities.

Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) - Lethbridge
PLAN is guided and inspired by four core principles:
1. Caring relationships are the key to safety, security and a good life.
2. People with disabilities have important contributions to make to our communities, and they should be recognized for their contributions.
3. Independence from government funding builds resiliency and allows individuals and families to make decisions without fear of consequences.
4. PLAN is structured to ensure it will always be directed by and accountable to families.

Tags: Disability Services,Community Organization

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527-6th St. South
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