A naturopathic medical clinic based on Salt Spring Island, BC
Dr. Dunstan, ND offers a wide range of naturopathic therapies designed to help every individual reach their health goals. He has 8 years of formal education, and over 8 years of clinical experience.
Some of the services he offers include:
Counseling therapies:
-Nutritional and Dietary advice
-Physical assesments
-Conventional and non-conventional diagnostics
-Interpretation of labwork
-Optimization of your current supplements and medications
Lab Testing
-Food Sensitivity Testing
-Hormone Testing (Saliva and Urine)
-Allergy Skin Prick Testing
-Conventional Lifelabs Requisitions
-Environmental Pollutant Profiles
-Genetic Testing
-IV therapies
-IM injections such as B12 shots
-Trigger Point Injections
Supplement Review, Recommendations, and Sales
-Custom Herbal Formulas
-Vitamins, Minerals, and orthomolecular medicines
-Pharmaceutical Prescriptions
His Clinical Expertise includes managing chronic pain, digestive issues, hormone imbalances, and pediatrics. Call to book your first visit today!
Tags: Naturopath