Guelph Vision Therapy Center - 5192658895

Guelph Vision Therapy Center is a unique facility devoted to vision therapy rehabilitation using cutting edge technology & individualized treatment plans

At Guelph Vision Therapy Center, we all wholeheartedly believe that every patient has the right to reach their natural potential and have the highest quality of life possible. By listening, interacting and connecting with each patient as an individual, our multi-disciplinary team of professionals strives to find customized solutions to previously unsolvable problems - whether the patient was born with their issue or it was acquired later in life.

The gift of sight is a fundamental part of interacting with the world around us. Being able to connect with and experience our environment requires more than simply reading 20/20 during an eye exam. Even with annual routine eye exams, many issues and struggles can persist without being recognized and therefore, untreated. These issues impair the way we function in our environment and more than likely negatively impact someone's quality of life.

The foundation of proper visual function starts with overall muscular coordination, moves through the use of the eyes as a team and ends with the brain interpreting what it sees. In fact, there are connections between the visual system and over 40% of the brain. Integrating health care professionals familiar with all portions of the involved systems is the key to success. Every system is interrelated and none can exist of function in isolation.

By going through the systems one step at a time the proper foundation for clear, comfortable vision and information processing/learning can be established, where solely glasses and other treatments may not work.

Tags: Optometrist (Eye Doctor),Healthcare Administrator

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202-1030 Gordon Street

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