Glorybee Apiaries - 705 757 4163

A family owned beekeeping operation. Besides offering honey for sale, we will be making available quality Ontario queens and nucs for the 2018 season.

Glorybee began about 25 years ago in Fergus, when Marlowe purchased 3 colonies from a friend. After increasing to 36 colonies over the next few years Marlowe and his wife thought there could be more to beekeeping and decided to form a small business of it. Jan came up the name "Glorybee Apiaries" and they started selling liquid and comb honey along with candles from the farm house they lived at, and at local craft shows. A change in work hours and a growing family prevented Glorybee from growing further but what did develop was Marlowe's interest in rearing honeybee queens. After all, it is much more fun to play with the bees than lug honey laden supers around, (although honey production is unavoidable). Upon retiring from his regular work, Marlowe spent a summer with a local Ontario queen breeder supplementing his knowledge of bees and later that year moved north to Loring, On. Loring is a small, somewhat isolated community along the Pickerel River system between Hwy 11 and hwy 69 south of Sudbury and North Bay. There are thousands of acres of old but still maintained pasture lands but no commercial crop production and thus no commercial chemical spraying. This is where Glorybee queens and nucs are produced. Open mated queens were purchased from the Tuckamore Bee Company in Freelton, On and the University of Guelph apiary. From this stock, those queens producing offspring that exhibit gentleness, good over wintering ability and hygienic behavior are bred to produce stock with similar traits. If you are interested in purchasing, Ontario bred queens, nucs or honey Marlowe would love to hear from you. You are invited to contact him by phone, email or FB message with your inquiries.

Tags: Farm

Address & Contact

12385 Highway 522
Port Loring
705 757 4163

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