First Baptist Church, Orillia - 7053263800

First Baptist Church Orillia exists as a Kingdom beacon that roots itself in the Word of God, serves each other with radical love, reaches to those in desperate need, and delights in the glory of our Father.
Join us every Sunday at 9:30am!

Thanks so much for visiting with us and for taking the time to learn a little bit about our church. It will probably take a few visits for you to figure out if this is the place where God has called you to connect and serve; let me see if I can help by highlighting a few of the things that make this church unique.

Submission to biblical authority. Here at FBC we believe that God’s Word is inerrant, infallible and authoritative – but at the end of the day, piling up
fancy words means nothing if you don’t also demonstrate that in the way you do life and worship. You will feel the priority of God’s word in the way that we worship and in the way that we organize our lives.

Multi-generational by design. We believe that there is incredible value in placing young people beside older people. We believe that families should have grandmas in them. That explains why you will hear worship styles from more than one narrow bandwidth when we come together to seek the Lord. That being said, this is a very young church. We do a lot of things specifically to make space for young families. We are committed to finding ways of making diversity and unity work together.

Intensely local mission. We believe God put us in Orillia for a reason. While we have many people who travel here from other cities, the focus of this church is unapologetically on Orillia as our mission field. We think of ourselves as sent to Orillia, even as we do “sending” mission overseas.
We believe it is absolutely critical for every true, born again follower of Jesus Christ to connect in tribe with a local church. However, we don’t think that our church is the only church in town. Please pray carefully and intentionally as to whether God is calling you to connect here. If he is, then let us know how we can begin to serve and deploy you for your good and for his glory.

Address & Contact

265 Coldwater Road
Church/religious organization

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