Essex Ravens Football Club - 519-816-8718

To play for us, you have to be tough... To stay with us, you have to be fast... To beat us, you have got to be kidding!

President's Message

Beginning with its inception twelve years ago, the Essex County Ravens Football Club has developed into one of the perennial powers in the Ontario Varsity Football League since the League's genesis in 2000. The Ravens have appeared in the championship game on three occasions winning the Litzen Cup in 2002. This is a reflection of the quality of the Raven's organization, the players and coaches at the forefront. The underlying purpose of the Essex Raven's program is not only to develop premier football players, but also to contribute to their maturation as valued members of society. The level of competition inherent to the OVFL is reflected by the number of young men who have continued to demonstrate a high degree of accomplishment on the gridiron in both the CIS and the NCAA. Several graduates of the OVFL, including Oshiomogho Atogwe from the Ravens, have gone on to prominence in the National Football League and many more have experienced success in the Canadian Football League--our own Andy Fantuz was the Canadian MVP of the 2007 Grey Cup. The Raven's organization is extremely gratified to recognize that the rosters of football programs in both US and Canadian colleges pay tribute to the quality of the athletes and the competition provided by the OVFL. The success of the Essex Ravens is not by happenstance. It is a consequence emanating from the dedicated efforts, along with the aforementioned players and coaches, of a knowledgeable, hard-working support staff, and an exacting executive. This has established the Essex Ravens as a program of continuing excellence in the Ontario Varsity Football League.

Ross Spettigue, President
Essex Ravens Football Club

Address & Contact

492 County Rd 8
Amateur sports team

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