Join Double D outfitters for a Waterfowl hunting experience of a life time .
Join Double D outfitters for a Waterfowl hunting experience of a life time .
We hunt in central Alberta and Southwestern Manitoba in some of the finest farmland for hunting Canada geese ,white fronted geese , Snow geese and duck hunting. Large fields of wheat, barley and peas combined with a few large lakes and numerous puddle lakes along with three major flyways filtering through this area, makes this a waterfowl hunter's paradise.
As soon as late August, flocks of snow geese, white fronted geese, some of the local Canada geese and duck begin to hit wheat and pea fields. By mid September, many large flocks of geese, mostly Canada geese can be seen leaving the lakes morning and evening to go out and feed. This migration usually reaches a climax near the middle to end of October and is usually over after the second week of November, depending on the weather.
We use all the newest and most innovative blinds and decoys. We have all the latest gear. Also, we still use natural willow blinds when the need arises. Our decoys are the newest in full body and shell design. We also utilize some of today's new silhouettes.
Tags: Sports Event