The goal of CSES is to provide Carleton Engineering students with academic, professional, and social resources to help them make the most of their degree.
The Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES) has been serving the students of Carleton Engineering for more than 35 years. If you're an undergraduate student enrolled in a stream of engineering, you're a member of CSES.
CSES provides social events throughout the year, allowing engineering students to take a break from their studies and let loose. Some of the major events include Yuk Yuks's comedy nights, National Engineering Week and the Reflections award banquet.
CSES also provides a wealth of services - Leonardo's Lounge (the engineering cafe & lounge), a free textook trade & equipment loan program, the Iron Times newspaper, and the Student Group Resource Centre.
All aspects of CSES are volunteer run. CSES strives to make many volunteer positions available, and encourages students to get involved. Should you have any questions about getting involved with CSES that this website cannot answer, drop by our (temporary) office at 3350 Mackenzie Building, or email us at
Twitter: @MyCSES
Instagram: @MyCSES
Snapchat: @MyCSES
YouTube: /CSESmedia
President: Julia Dalphy
Vice President Internal: Cam Wong
Vice President Finance: Cylina El-Bouchi
Vice President Academic: Hailey Todd
Vice President External: Yannick Brisebois
Vice President Services: Mike Delay
Vice President Social: Celeste Lalande
Vice President Publications:
- National Engineering Week (NEW): /CarletonNEW
- FFGW: /FebruaryFeelGoodWeek
- Iron Times: /TheIronTimes
- Leo's Lounge: LeonardosLounge