The Beausejour Brokenhead Development Corporation (BBDC) is comprised of a board with representation from local municipal councils for Beausejour and Brokenhead, the business community and members at large in the community. There is also a Marketing Director and Administration Officer for the organization. BBDC is locally based organization that facilitates, develops, and implements the creation of an economic, social and sustainable environment to promote our community as the best place to live and to do business. One of BBDC’s major objectives for developing business growth strategy is to identify the needs, concerns and opportunities of existing local businesses in order that, where appropriate, local action can be taken to respond to the business’ needs or development opportunities.
The Beausejour Brokenhead Development Corporation (BBDC) is a community based, non-profit organization that facilitates and promotes community economic development to enhance the quality of life for Beausejour-Brokenhead by marketing the communiy, and supporting existing, new and potential business.
Please visit for more information about the community.
Please contact Anna W. Mondor, Director of Marketing for more information.
Tags: Government Organization