Local Business Directory Canada

Salt Spring Island | BC | Local Business Directory Canada

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Gulf Island Cribbage

Gulf Island Cribbage

I Design and Build Hand Crafted Cribbage Boards from Beached wood collected from all over the Gulf Islands.I am quite strong…

Salt Spring Island

Art Restoration Service

Salt Spring Centre of Yoga

Salt Spring Centre of Yoga

http://saltspringcentre.com/A Sanctuary for Body & Soul The Salt Spring Centre of Yoga, founded in 1981, is a non-profit, working…

Salt Spring Island

Yoga Studio

Little Red Schoolhouse - Salt Spring Island Preschool

Little Red Schoolhouse - Salt Spring Island Preschool

Little Red offers preschool programs for children 3-5 years, based out of a 1-room schoolhouse near the forest, on the South…

Salt Spring Island


Slegg Building Materials Salt Spring Island

Slegg Building Materials Salt Spring Island

Vancouver Island's most complete building supply company, since 1947Slegg has been on the job site or helping out around the…

Salt Spring Island

Local Business

Alchemy Farm Flowers Salt Spring Island

Alchemy Farm Flowers Salt Spring Island

Alchemy Farm Flowers are the environmentally friendly choice for local Salt Spring Flowers. Our unique specialty flowers and…

Salt Spring Island


The Cottages on Salt Spring Island

The Cottages on Salt Spring Island

Imagine this....A captivating Resort Community in a lakeside settings and the Salt Spring Island Experience for you to explore.Welcome…

Salt Spring Island

Vacation Home Rental

Ganges Floor Coverings

Ganges Floor Coverings

Salt Spring Island's Flooring Store - By ReputationServing Salt Spring Island and the Southern Gulf Island, we offer the latest…

Salt Spring Island

Carpet & Flooring Store



ETHOS: Feeding the spirit of a cultureWe are an old saltspring family starting a new family food truck business! With a passion…

Salt Spring Island

Mediterranean Restaurant

Burger Bar 537

Burger Bar 537

Salt Spring raised, grass fed beef and lamb burgers. wild Sockeye salmon burgers, hand made veggi burgers . Fresh cut in house…

Salt Spring Island


Laughing Daughters Gluten Free Foods Inc.

Laughing Daughters Gluten Free Foods Inc.

Gluten Free FoodsLaughing Daughters is dedicated gluten free Bakery located on beautiful Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.…

Salt Spring Island

Grocery Store

Inifinity Studios

Inifinity Studios

Fine art creations by Jerry Witmer and Salt Spring Malas and Yoga Jewelry by Jacqueline MedalyeArt for the soul. Jewelry for…

Salt Spring Island


The Three Of Us

The Three Of Us

We are 3 artists who share a common dream To share our creations Gypsy Luna-clothing and jewelry Hint of Rose- clothing and balms…

Salt Spring Island



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