Local Business Directory Canada

River Hébert | NS | Local Business Directory Canada

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Pete McIver Custom Woodworking

Pete McIver Custom Woodworking

Fine quality custom woodworking, specializing in smaller items, segmented turnings, bowls, vases, etc. Pine country style furniture,…

River Hébert


Chocolates N' More

Chocolates N' More

Homemade Chocolates, Chocolate Covered Pretzel Sticks,Chocolate Covered Potato Chips . Fudge and More.All Your Chocolate Needs.

River Hébert

Candy Store

Reba's Lawn & Yard Services

Reba's Lawn & Yard Services

Reba's Lawn & Yard Services Complete Lawn Care & Snow Removal MowingTrimming,Aeration,Fertilizer Snow Removal - Tractor & Snow…

River Hébert

Landscape Company

Chocolates Galore

Chocolates Galore

Homemade Chocolates, suckers, chocolate covered pretzels, potato chips, cake pops, fudge and more! For all your Chocolate Needs!!Let…

River Hébert

Farmers Market

River Hebert District School - Home of the Raiders

River Hebert District School - Home of the Raiders

This account was created to communicate information to the students and stakeholders of River Hebert Schools.

River Hébert


River Hebert District High - RHDH

River Hebert District High - RHDH

River Hebert District High 2843 Barronsfield Road River Hebert B0L1G0 Phone: 251-3200 Fax: 251-3210River Hebert District High…

River Hébert



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