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Small marina in the Village of Cowichan Bay, BC. Cowichan Bay was North America's 1st Citta Slow Community. Vineyards, organic…
Lisa's own home made preserves from Cowichan Bay. www.lisasown.com pinklisasown@gmail.comMy love for food and cooking began very…
In 2009 Cowichan Bay became North America’s first Cittaslow community, joining an international network that now includes over…
The classes, and Events offered at Yum Yoga & Dance Studio.
Artist.Hello! Thank you for checking out my art. My name is Dalyce and I live in the gorgeous Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island,…
We are currently selling local Beef (sides, quarters & freezer packs) at the farms gate. Pasture raised and government inspected.…
Pablo Plenti has moved his Mobetta Herbs to Sweet Maggie's Farm on Cowichan Bay Road, only 1 1/2 Km from Valleyview Centre.Pablo…
ARTISAN CRAFTED NATURAL BEAUTY & HEALTHA BEAUTIFUL LIFE combines the artisan teas and herbal medicines with natural organic skin…
Specializing in OPI GelColor, Gel Polish manicures, Acrylic nails and pedicures.Julie's Nails provides professional nail services…
Michelle Rose CSF, a community supported fishery out of Cowichan Bay, offers fair-trade fresh-caught West Coast salmon & prawns…