Local Business Directory Canada

Non-profit organization | Local Business Directory Canada

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Real Estate Council of Alberta

Real Estate Council of Alberta

The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) is an independent, non-government agency, responsible for regulating real estate in…


Non-Profit Organization

Villa Pierrot

Villa Pierrot

À l’été 2006, des citoyens et partenaires se sont regroupés en vue de trouver des solutions pour améliorer la qualité…


Non-Profit Organization

Fraser Valley Real Estate Board

Fraser Valley Real Estate Board

FVREB is an association of over 3,000 real estate professionals who live and work in North Delta, Surrey, White Rock, Langley,…


Non-Profit Organization

Community and Race Relations Committee of Peterborough

Community and Race Relations Committee of Peterborough

We work to encourage and promote equitable race relations by providing anti-racism services including public education, advocacy,…


Non-Profit Organization

Canadian Pharmacists Association

Canadian Pharmacists Association

We see the pharmacist as the health care professional whose practice, based on unique knowledge and skills, optimizes medication…


Non-Profit Organization

Kingsbrae Garden

Kingsbrae Garden

Kingsbrae Garden is a 27 acre horticulture masterpiece that was selected as Garden of the Year by the Canadian Garden Tourism…

Saint Andrews

Non-Profit Organization

Barrie & District Association of REALTORS(R) Inc.

Barrie & District Association of REALTORS(R) Inc.

The Barrie & District Association of REALTORS® Inc. is a dynamic and growing association representing over 900 registered real…


Non-Profit Organization

Groupe Ami-Co

Groupe Ami-Co

Groupe pour personnes seules de Victoriaville et les environs.Rencontre amicale pour personnes seules. Activités sociaux, culturelles…


Non-Profit Organization

Moisson Sud-Ouest - La Banque Alimentaire du Suroît

Moisson Sud-Ouest - La Banque Alimentaire du Suroît

Moisson Sud-Ouest, la seule banque alimentaire du Suroît, accréditée par Banques Alimentaires Québec et Banques Alimentaires…


Non-Profit Organization

Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg

Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg

Exists to develop, promote and support the interests of the Ethiopian community in Manitoba.


Non-Profit Organization

Brock-Seaway Housing Co-Operative Inc.

Brock-Seaway Housing Co-Operative Inc.

Brock-Seaway Co-op is a 30 suite co-operative housing community located in the lovely north end of the City of BrockvilleThe…


Non-Profit Organization


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