Local Business Directory Canada

Middle Eastern Restaurant | Local Business Directory Canada

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Restaurant Chez Réjean

Restaurant Chez Réjean

Depuis maintenant 40 ans, le Restaurant Chez Réjean est à votre service.


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Shish Poulet Terrebonne

Shish Poulet Terrebonne

fine cuisine libanaise grillade et shish taouk


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Restaurant Rumi

Restaurant Rumi

Cuisine du Moyen-Orient, d'Afrique du Nord et d'Asie Centrale


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Chateau Kabab West Island

Chateau Kabab West Island

Chez Château Kabab, nous nous efforçons de vous proposer la cuisine irakienne et perse la plus authentique sous un même toit.…


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Restaurant LE Tajine

Restaurant LE Tajine

Pour découvrir les délicieuses saveurs de la cuisine Berbére (Maroc,Algerie,Tunisie) le restaurant "Le Tajine" Vous y dégusterez…


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Restaurant Bel Azur

Restaurant Bel Azur

Fine Cuisine Méditerranéenne, Tunisienne, Italienne, francaisefacebook officiel du Restaurant Bel Azur


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Jerusalem Shawarma  Royal Oak

Jerusalem Shawarma Royal Oak

Mediterranean Food. Halal Food. Jerusalem Street Food. Serving Canadian Comunity Since Years Excellence of Taste Quality Fresh…


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Watan Kabob

Watan Kabob

Watan kabob, Land of Afghan Grill Restaurant. Bringing you the finest Afghani food in Mississauga, Ontario Canada.WELCOME TO…


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Restaurant Casablanca à Montreal

Restaurant Casablanca à Montreal

Nostalgiques de la bonne cuisine traditionnelle marocaine ? Visitez Restaurant Casablanca sur Boulevard Décarie. À deux pas…


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Sumac Middle Eastern Market and Eatery

Sumac Middle Eastern Market and Eatery

Sumac is a middle eastern eatery that also sells middle eastern groceries and other hahal foods.

St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Middle Eastern Restaurant

Banff Shawarma

Banff Shawarma

Our Middle Eastern trained Chefs have all famous Middle Eastern dishes on our menu for example Sandwiches, Plates, Salads, Straight…


Middle Eastern Restaurant

Al's Gourmet Falafel and Fries

Al's Gourmet Falafel and Fries

Serving up fresh organic falafel, fresh cut fries, real Poutine and chicken kebabs since 2011. One block from the Ganges Marina…

Salt Spring Island

Middle Eastern Restaurant


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