Local Business Directory Canada

Landmark & Historical Place | Local Business Directory Canada

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Just-a-Dab Vegreville

Just-a-Dab Vegreville

Come in, pick your bisque (pottery), and start painting! Then after we fire it, you come back and pick it up in a few days.Just-a-Dab…


Landmark & Historical Place

Ladysmith Fisherman's Wharf

Ladysmith Fisherman's Wharf

We provide safe and well protected moorage for commercial fishboats and pleasure boats.Ladysmith Harbor is centrally located…


Landmark & Historical Place

Dead Man's Flats

Dead Man's Flats

Dead Man's Flats is a hamlet in Alberta within the Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8. Statistics Canada also recognizes it…


Landmark & Historical Place

Escape Miramichi

Escape Miramichi

Can you escape in less than 60 mins??You are trapped in a room. Can you escape in 60 minutes or less? In The room you will find…


Landmark & Historical Place

Peakes Wharf Boat Tours

Peakes Wharf Boat Tours

Offering boat tours in the Charlottetown Harbour Daily all summer!Peakes Wharf Boat Tours is under new ownership! We are offering…


Landmark & Historical Place

The Melville

The Melville

The Melville located at 1189 Melville Street, Vancouver, BC. Built 2007 at Coal Harbour Neighbourhood. The Melville has 232 suites,…


Landmark & Historical Place

Summer Active 2016

Summer Active 2016

This is where updates and information will be posted about any programs in Shaunavon


Landmark & Historical Place

Invermere Roller Rink

Invermere Roller Rink

Closed for the winter. Reopening May long weekend. Like this page for updates


Landmark & Historical Place

Pacific Centre

Pacific Centre

The Pacific Centre is a shopping mall located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, managed by Cadillac Fairview (CF) Corporation.…


Landmark & Historical Place

Casa Loma

Casa Loma

Visit Canada's Majestic Castle, Casa Loma and step back in time to a period of European elegance and splendour.The former home…


Landmark & Historical Place

Wild Blue Yonder - Revelstoke

Wild Blue Yonder - Revelstoke

Daily Trip Times River Pirates: 10am (min. 6 guests to book) Illecillewaet River: 1:30pm (no minimum number to book) See you…


Landmark & Historical Place


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