Local Business Directory Canada

Funeral Service & Cemetery | Local Business Directory Canada

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Martin Brothers Funeral Services Lethbridge

Martin Brothers Funeral Services Lethbridge

People You Know...Friends You TrustWe are a funeral service provider offering compassionate care in your time of loss. Located…


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Monuments Gagnon

Monuments Gagnon

Monuments Gagnon vous propose un vaste choix de monuments funéraires. Gravure, restauration et installation partout au Québec!Monuments…


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Complexe funéraire Jacques et fils et Centre funéraire Jacques et fils inc.

Complexe funéraire Jacques et fils et Centre funéraire Jacques et fils inc.

Le Complexe Funéraire Jacques & Fils Inc... une famille au service des familles depuis trois générations


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Innisfil Funeral Home Limited

Innisfil Funeral Home Limited

Innisfil Funeral Home is located in Stroud, Ontario. Provided burial and cremation related services to the families of Innisfil…


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Central Funeral Homes

Central Funeral Homes

Serving Families in Central Newfoundland for over 50 years

Grand Falls

Funeral Service & Cemetery

St. Thomas-Elgin Cremation

St. Thomas-Elgin Cremation

Absolutely the most affordable cremation services in St. Thomas-Elgin.The most affordable basic cremation services in St. Thomas-Elgin.

Saint Thomas

Funeral Service & Cemetery

Chatham-Kent Cremation

Chatham-Kent Cremation

Absolutely the most affordable cremation services in Chatham-Kent.We specialize in the most affordable basic cremation, burial…


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Denning's of Elgin-Chatham-Kent

Denning's of Elgin-Chatham-Kent

At Denning's, we understand the need for a family to come together and commemorate a life lived at a reasonable cost.Denning's…


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Alexandre Nicole - Complexe Funéraire Châteauguay

Alexandre Nicole - Complexe Funéraire Châteauguay

En l'honneur des familles et à la mémoire d'une vie.Le Complexe funéraire Châteauguay est une entreprise familiale au service…


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Calmar Community Cemetery Association

Calmar Community Cemetery Association

The Calmar Community Cemetery is a Non-Denominational Cemetery that can accommodate all interments, including the Garden of Memories-…


Funeral Service & Cemetery

Limo-Bus         9349-3807 Quebec inc.

Limo-Bus 9349-3807 Quebec inc.

service de raccompagnement sécuritaire pour tout évènements en groupe.


Funeral Service & Cemetery


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