Local Business Directory Canada

Elementary School | Local Business Directory Canada

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St. Patrick School - Kapuskasing

St. Patrick School - Kapuskasing

St. Patrick School is a dual track Catholic School situated in Kapuskasing, which offers both English and French Immersion for…


Elementary School

Holyrood Elementary School

Holyrood Elementary School

Ecole Holyrood School is celebrating its 60th anniversary on Thursday, the Eighth of October. Come join the fun!


Elementary School

Fort Saskatchewan Elementary School

Fort Saskatchewan Elementary School

We are a school of excellence, acceptance, understanding and we have a fierce belief in our unlimited potential.Fort Saskatchewan…

Fort Saskatchewan

Elementary School

Dave McNeilly Public School

Dave McNeilly Public School

Dave McNeilly Public School (named for retired Fort McMurray educator Dave McNeilly) is scheduled to open in September 2017.CLASSES…

Fort McMurray

Elementary School

École Sacré-Coeur de Dolbeau-Mistassini

École Sacré-Coeur de Dolbeau-Mistassini

École primaire qui accueille des élèves du 3e cycle. Les jeunes y vivent un programme d'anglais intensif en 6e année.


Elementary School

École Notre Dame des Anges Dolbeau Mistassini

École Notre Dame des Anges Dolbeau Mistassini

L'école Notre-Dame-des-Anges est une école primaire à Dolbeau-Mistassini de la Commission scolaire du Pays-des-Bleuets.


Elementary School

Mountainview Elementary School

Mountainview Elementary School

Mountainview Elementary School is committed to developing the academic, social, and emotional potential of all its students.Mountainview…


Elementary School

Solomon Schechter Academy

Solomon Schechter Academy

The home of innovative learning, music, arts, computer animation and robotics.Solomon Schechter Academy is a dynamic Conservative…


Elementary School

Merton School

Merton School

Merton School is a neighborhood French Immersion school located in the predominantly English municipality of Côte St-Luc. The…

Côte Saint-Luc

Elementary School

École Primaire Carlyle Elementary School

École Primaire Carlyle Elementary School

Carlyle School is well located within short walking distance of the heart of the Town of Mount Royal.Carlyle School is well located…


Elementary School

Mandarin Language Program at Forest Grove Elementary School (Burnaby)

Mandarin Language Program at Forest Grove Elementary School (Burnaby)

The Mandarin Language Program is an enriching and rewarding experience for students to learn and appreciate an additional language…


Elementary School


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