Local Business Directory Canada

Church/religious organization | Local Business Directory Canada

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Listowel Pentecostal Church

Listowel Pentecostal Church

We strive to be authentic, relevant and compassionate, going deeper with Jesus and encountering the Holy Spirit.


Church/religious organization

Harvest Ministries Canada

Harvest Ministries Canada

Doing the Will of God in the Power of GodHarvest Ministries believes strongly in the musicians of today and tomorrow being raised…


Church/religious organization

Aldergrove Adventist Church

Aldergrove Adventist Church

The Aldergrove SDA Church is committed to sharing the love of Christ to our local community. Let us know if we can help you.


Church/religious organization

Fort Frances Church of the Holy Spirit

Fort Frances Church of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Holy Spirit is a member of the Free Methodist Church of Canada.Our church family is a group that is known for its…

Fort Frances

Church/religious organization

Gateway Assembly Campbellton

Gateway Assembly Campbellton

Gateway Assembly is a local body of believers, worshiping God, hearing from Him, and asking Him to lead our lives.Gateway Assembly…


Church/religious organization

Shalom in Toronto

Shalom in Toronto

Special page dedicated to the Catholic Community Shalom in Toronto.We are a Roman Catholic Church lay Community. It is composed…


Church/religious organization

Église la maison du Père de Vaudreuil

Église la maison du Père de Vaudreuil

la page FB de l'église la Maison du Père de Vaudreuil les infos, les annonces et...bien plus!


Church/religious organization

St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Sault Ste. Marie

St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Sault Ste. Marie

St. Matthew's Anglican Church is located in the east end of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

Sault Sainte Marie

Church/religious organization

Greenfield Park United Church

Greenfield Park United Church

Part of the United Church of Canada (Protestant)This church is a church of churches. Everyone is invited to join us for our worship…

Greenfield Park

Church/religious organization

St. Ann's Parish Flin Flon

St. Ann's Parish Flin Flon

Welcome to the Catholic Community of St. Ann's (Flin Flon, MB) Parish Facebook Page.

Flin Flon

Church/religious organization

Castlegar Christian Fellowship

Castlegar Christian Fellowship

We meet for a celebration every second week. 1st and 3rd Saturday. The rest of the time we are meeting in different small groups.We…


Church/religious organization

Bowmanville Baptist Church

Bowmanville Baptist Church

Find us online at www.bowmanvillebaptist.org. We are dedicated to the practical preaching and teaching of God’s word, and desire…


Church/religious organization


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