Quesnel Sealions Swim Club - 250-747-1028 for our Sealions President

Quesnel Sealions Swim Club

The Quesnel Aquatic Cub is part of the British Columbia Summer Swim Association or BCSSA. We swim competitively from May through mid August up to five days per week with certified coaches. We also run a winter maintenance program running October 1st through April 3oth up to two days per week and one hour per day. Our swim club is organized and run by a dedicated group of parent volunteers. Our swim club fosters Friendship, Teamwork, Respect and discipline. Our club offers a unique opportunity for children ages five and up to learn and practice their swimming skills and if they like, compete in a safe and welcoming environment. We also rely of the generous donations and sponsorships from the business in our community of Quesnel and for all their help and support we'd like to say Thank you.

FB Group Address http://www.facebook.com/quesnel.sealions. If you would like to join our FB Group just ask to join. If not please check out this open page and our Web Page for any new information.

Address & Contact

250-747-1028 for our Sealions President
Amateur sports team

Map & Directions

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