Local Business Directory Canada

Trent Hills | ON | Local Business Directory Canada

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Discover and connect with leading businesses throughout Canada using our comprehensive Local Business Directory. From bustling urban centers in Ontario to the vibrant communities of British Columbia and the expansive territories of the North, our directory covers every province and sub-national administrative division. Whether you're looking for a local artisan, a corporate service provider, or a cozy diner, our easy-to-navigate platform ensures you find exactly what you need, no matter where you are in Canada. Start exploring today to support local businesses and experience the best of Canadian commerce!

Lucky Strike Waterfront Vacation Home

Lucky Strike Waterfront Vacation Home

Are you looking for that waterfront cottage getaway? Lucky Strike Vacation Home is perfect for families big or small.

Trent Hills

Vacation Home Rental

Conversations with Red - Here On Earth

Conversations with Red - Here On Earth

Here On EarthBringing Advanced Spiritual Understandings to our modern day lives through Healing Arts, Krow offers Psychic readings,…

Trent Hills

Astrologist & Psychic

On The Side Gourmet Food Inc.

On The Side Gourmet Food Inc.

Event creation and catering for every occasion! Chef Tina Moorey Serving Northumberland and the GTA

Trent Hills


Four Corner's Construction

Four Corner's Construction

Four Corner's Construction - Meeting all of your construction needs. Specializing in steel roofing, siding, soffit, fascia, and…

Trent Hills

Roofing Service



metaphorhome brings you the best home furnishings, gifts and decor in a unique store environment - with a classic sense of style…

Trent Hills

Shopping & Retail

Centre & Main Chocolate Co.

Centre & Main Chocolate Co.

Creating luscious chocolate wickedness that you can feel good about, is what Centre and Main does best.Creating luscious chocolate…

Trent Hills

Food & Beverage Company



Ladies fashion boutique, footwear and accessories with a flair. We carry the largest assortment of brand name ladies wear in…

Trent Hills

Women's Clothing Store

Arts and Heritage Centre Warkworth

Arts and Heritage Centre Warkworth

Ah!, is the arts and heritage centre of Warkworth, Ontario. Ah! celebrates excellence in arts and culture.Arts and Heritage Centre…

Trent Hills

Community Organization

Epic Sun Farm

Epic Sun Farm

Since 2002, home to Derek, Cait, Lila Lynch & all critters large & small. Also home to the amazing men & women who make up the…

Trent Hills


The Bridge Hospice

The Bridge Hospice

A homelike setting where people near end of life and loved ones can share precious time when it matters most. Professionally…

Trent Hills

Nonprofit Organization

Sign D Sign

Sign D Sign

Looking for the perfect gift? Here at Sign D Sign we will always provide a wonderful well thought out custom piece. Every sign…

Trent Hills

Business Service


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