Local Business Directory Canada

Charity Organization | Local Business Directory Canada

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Edmonton Emergency Relief Services Society

Edmonton Emergency Relief Services Society

Helping our Community since 1986, and Edmonton's Only Downtown Thrift store!!The Edmonton Emergency Relief Services Society (EERSS)…


Charity Organization

Deseronto and District Historical Society

Deseronto and District Historical Society

Exploring Deseronto's incredible history and its impact on surrounding area for sharing with all who love history and life in…


Charity Organization

La Dauphinelle

La Dauphinelle

La Dauphinelle est une maison d'hébergement pour femmes et enfants.Depuis 1982, La Dauphinelle accueille en urgence des femmes…


Charity Organization

St. Patrick's Society of Montreal

St. Patrick's Society of Montreal

St. Patrick's Society of MontrealSt. Patrick’s Society of Montreal was founded in March 1834, making it Montreal's oldest society.…

Côte Saint-Luc

Charity Organization

Comox Valley - United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island

Comox Valley - United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island

UWCNVI supports life-changing programs in each of our impact areas in three regions of Vancouver Island - Central Island, the…


Charity Organization

Cobourg Lodge No.136 Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Cobourg Lodge No.136 Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Friendship-Love-TruthHall Rental is also Available and can accommodate 100 people. http://www.cobourgmemorialtemple.com/index.html


Charity Organization

Chalk River & Area Lion's Club

Chalk River & Area Lion's Club

Weekly bingo’s every Thursday, except for July & August. Children’s Halloween & Christmas Dances,Monthly Suppers, and the…

Chalk River

Charity Organization

Community Living Burlington

Community Living Burlington

Established in 1955, Community Living Burlington is Burlington's largest nonprofit organization, supporting 400+ people who have…


Charity Organization

Greater Blackville Resource Centre

Greater Blackville Resource Centre

Hours - The Thrift Store is open every Wed (10-4), Thurs (10-4), Fri (10-2). Food Bank distribution is the 3rd Wed of each month.…

Upper Blackville

Charity Organization

Off The W.A.L Animal Rescue

Off The W.A.L Animal Rescue

Linlee has been passionate about rescue since she was a child and right from the very beginning had full support of her Father…


Charity Organization

Elgin-St.Thomas United Way's Community

Elgin-St.Thomas United Way's Community

United Way is a Community Impact Organization interested in addressing root causes and facilitating sustainable change identified…

Saint Thomas

Charity Organization

Beaver Creek Farm Sanctuary

Beaver Creek Farm Sanctuary

Beaver Creek Farm Sanctuary is a safe place for animals who have been abused or neglected to recover and become healthy. Registered…


Charity Organization


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