Local Business Directory Canada

Charity Organization | Local Business Directory Canada

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saint John

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saint John

Providing mentors for children and youth in Saint John, Charlotte and King's Counties. One-to-one and group programs, in school…

Saint John

Charity Organization

Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre

Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre

The Wild Bird Care Centre is a registered charitable organization dedicated to the care, treatment and rehabilitation of injured,…


Charity Organization

Food Action Society of the North Okanagan

Food Action Society of the North Okanagan

The Food Action Society of the North Okanagan is a non-profit organization. We support a sustainable regional food system through…


Charity Organization

Salvation Army Thrift Store Nanaimo

Salvation Army Thrift Store Nanaimo

There are two Salvation Army Thrift Stores in Nanaimo. Closed Sundays and Statutory Holidays. Visit our website at www.salvationarmynanaimo.comOur…


Charity Organization

Kids Hockey Equipment Drive

Kids Hockey Equipment Drive

Sportwheels Sports Excellence & MLA Brendan Maguire will be hosting an on-going kids hockey equipment drive, giving away gear…

Lower Sackville

Charity Organization

Bucks for Bros

Bucks for Bros

Our goal is to raise $5,000 by June 18th, and with your contribution you will be helping us raise awareness and reach the status…


Charity Organization

Mission to Seafarers, Halifax, Canada

Mission to Seafarers, Halifax, Canada

As part of a worldwide network of Anglican sponsored Missions, the Halifax Mission offers seafarers help and support when their…


Charity Organization

Haliburton United

Haliburton United

MessiahHi there! Steve told me I had to get on Facebook so I did. The idea is to have someplace to chat about life - particularly…


Charity Organization

Community Living- Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln

Community Living- Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln

Connecting the community with what Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln is doing!Our goal at Community Living- Grimsby,…


Charity Organization

MS Society Leeds Grenville

MS Society Leeds Grenville

Founded in 1965. Mission: To be a leader in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis and enabling people affected by MS to enhance…


Charity Organization

Fondation de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation

Fondation de Gaspé Beaubien Foundation

Écouter pour mieux faire la différence. Listening is the leitmotif of the FoundationCréée en 1990 par Nan-b et Philippe de…


Charity Organization


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